As the global digital divide narrows who is being left behind

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A Global Health Analysis of Socio-Economic Determinants of Health

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Creating a Better World with Information and Communication Technologies Health Equity

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Can Generative Artificial Intelligence enable equitable access to Social

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Creating cycles of prosperity with human digital development for intelligent global health

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Cycles of development in systems of survival with artificial intelligence a formative research agenda

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Cycles of Electronic Health Records Adaptation by Physicians How Do the Positive and Negative Experiences with the EHR System Affect Physicians EHR Adaptation Process

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Assessment of the social factors in information and communication technology access and use

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Climate change adaptation for sustainable development the information and communication technology ICT paradox

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Digital Inclusion HDI SDOH Final-MacroEnabled

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How Can Physicians Knowledge Be Activated to Provide Better Healthcare Explaining Electronic Health Record Adaptation by Physicians

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Digital Innovations for Development_ Design of Artificial Intelli (AMCIS Copy)

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Driving development through innovations in information technology and its applications

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Digital transformation at the margins a battle for the soul of self-sovereignty

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Editorial 16-2 Information technology for development research are we investigating new phenomena or well-known facts

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Harnessing knowledge networking for Global Capability Sourcing the development imperative

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Extending Human Capabilities through Information Technology Applications and Infrastructures

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Discovering development from information technologies does open access to technology improve the lives of people

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Globalization in development do information and communication technologies really matter

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Improving outcomes from Information and Communication Technology for Development ICT4D studies

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In the Age of Popular Uprisings what is the Role of Public Access Computing and Social Media on Development

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Digital transformation for development a human capital key or system of oppression

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Human Freedom from Algorithmic Bias

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Human Freedom from Algorithmic Bias_ Is there Accountability (AMCIS Copy)

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Information and communications technology use and income growth evidence of the multiplier effect in very small island states

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Networks of change shifting power from institutions to people how are innovations in the use of information and communication technology transformin

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Mobile Access for Patient Centered Care The Challenges of Activating Knowledge through Health Information Technology

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Overcoming Technological Determinism in Understanding the Digital Divide Where Do We Go From Here

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Information technology for development in expanding capabilities

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Lessons from the Age of Nelson Mandela Information and Communication Technology in the Quest for Equality Freedom and Justice

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Knowledge Networking to Overcome the Digital Divide

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The Effect of Mobile Health and Social Inequalities

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Outrage and anger in a global pandemic flipping the script on healthcare

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Pandemics within the pandemic confronting socio-economic inequities in a datafied world

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Perspectives on development why does studying information and communication technology for development ICT4D matter

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Physician Interaction with Electronic Health Records The Influences on Digital Natives and Digital Immigrants

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Social and economic perspectives on the role of information and communication technology for development

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The forgotten awaken ICT s evolving role in the roots of mass discontent

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Theory to Inform Practice to Build Theory Are Emerging Economies in a Cyclical Relationship with their Information and Communication Technologies

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What is the role of mobile phones in bringing about growth

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